I saw a similar design to these online at some point, and adapted it to make my own, much improved roses. Remind me, why does anyone pay for flowers for their wedding, these you can have in any colour under the sun, and in my opinion are much more attractive, as well as being free. One page makes one rose, so work it out folks a 287 page book, gives you 285 roses, costing you a grand total of 30p if your at a jumble sale or £2.99 at a charity shop.
I used pages of Harry potter 4 as I had already read the book out of it's cover, but I've seen them made from maps, and even a good quality wrapping paper or wallpaper would do the trick (hint: wallpaper samples are free!)
Ok, disadvantages are that it takes a great deal of time and patience, it took me about 3 hours to make twelve, but having made just one in an hour from scratch, the next 2 hours making 11 meant I was defiantly quicker, I managed to set up a little production line for myself, and I reckon a team of 5 and a sea shanty later could produce 1000 in 4 hours at a push.
(Now I've worked out how to add videos to my blog, you may be seeing a few more of them!)